Expert Witness – Building Forensics
EBS Ltd has over 30 years of experience in building forensics and defect related litigation, in the role of specialist experts. We have a thorough understanding of the preparation of reports in accordance with part 35 of theCivil Procedure Actand for the benefit of the court. This work has included:
- Defect surveys for one or other party in a dispute
- Acting as an expert witness for the court in accordance with Section 35 of the Civil Procedure Act
- Preparation of and contributing to joint expert reports
- Performing independent paper-based reviews of complex disputes as directed by the Financial Ombudsman
- Acting as joint single expert on litigation cases involving environmental health issues, moulds, toxins, VOC’s and health implications.
We believe that our clients value the independence and objectivity of our analysis. EBS Ltd has a proven track record in adjudications and mediations on a wide range of building forensics issues and scientific building defects. The vast majority of cases we have handled have settled or been decided on terms favourable to our clients.
Expert Witnessing
EBS Ltd has a history of excellence in scientific investigations of building failure, defects analysis, decay and deterioration of both modern and historic buildings. Our experience extends across a wide range of building defects and failures, construction types and periods, cultures and environments throughout UK and abroad. We offer expert witness advice in a range of matters including:
- Moulds and health implications
- Identification of type, pathogenicity and toxicity of moulds
- Toxic mould investigation, analysis and litigation
- Diagnostic non-destructive environmental inspection for damp and residual moisture assessment
- Drying out building following fire and flood damage
- Dry rot, wet rot and timber decay
- Air quality, health, comfort and productivity
- Systematic independent scientific expert investigation of building defects
- Independent scientific advice about the precise nature of building defects. Deterioration and the remedies
- Building forensics investigation, analysis and presentation of our reporting tailor made to formal dispute resolution procedures, where applicable
- Multidisciplinary advise and liaison with other consultants as required
EBS Ltd early intervention in a building failure or project can minimise potential problems and help to avoid later disputes.
Experience & Case Studies
EBS Ltd directors carry out expert witness reports in the following areas;
- Mould and health
- Dampness and condensation
- Condensation and mould growth
- Rising damp and penetrating dampness
- Housing/landlord and tenant disrepair
- Damp/Nuisance
- Defective construction
- Building defects and disputes
- Housing disrepair
- Insurance reports
- Dry rot
- Timber decay and deterioration
- Woodworm, death watch beetle
- Air quality assessment
- Leaking flat and pitched roofs
- Monitoring and drying out following flooding and fire damage
- Monitoring moulds and air quality following flooding and fire damage
- Borescope inspections of cavities for defects and deterioration
- Non-destructive investigations of concealed areas
- Construction, design Building Regulations and failures
- Brickwork deterioration
- Defective materials and workmanship
- Design defects
- Rainwater drainage, underground drainage and water ingress issues
- Fire damage
- Deterioration of internal finishes
- Professional negligence
- Roofing defects and deterioration
- Structural timber stress grading defects and deterioration
- Swimming pools leaks
- Thermal performance
- Water ingress and damp in solid floors
- Defective underfloor heating and moisture ingress
- Window defects and deterioration
- Determining the age of dry rot infestation in buildings
- Mapping moisture sources, reservoirs and sinks in buildings and determining the age of water ingress
- Pathology of buildings to determine failures and causes
- Indoor air quality and its impact on the health of the occupants
- Evaluate live, dead and hidden toxic mould spores, toxins and determine the age of infestation
- Evaluate activity of insect and fungal infestation in buildings
- Static shock in offices
- Determine remedial chemical timber treatments residues and health implications